Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Giving Thanks for God’s People

When I think over the past six and a half years as teaching elder of First Presbyterian (Evangelical Presbyterian Church) in Redding I give thanks to God for pouring out His blessings. Paul did the same thing as he thought and prayed for the church in Thessalonica:

We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.” (1 Thessalonians 1:2–5, ESV)
When I think of the people I love that make up the congregation of First Presbyterian, like Paul, I thank God.  God is the source of all life in your midst. Your faith and the labors to gather regularly for worship, equipping the saints for ministry in the north state, loving God and neighbor, and sharing the good news of Christ’s saving grace are works of faith.  Regular gathering of the people in the face of keeping the building up, facing the challenges of Covid19, the crime surrounding the church campus, the need for Christ-centered, theologically astute elders and the need to grow by sharing the gospel are works of grace that flow from faith in the living God our Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was no different in Thessalonica; forces having always been at loose in the world attacking the growth of the people of God.
Paul enumerates for us what makes for a vibrant thriving people shaped by God’s presence. Faith in God that works out in action.  There is no such thing as being a vital member of the Body of Christ without faith working out in action of witness, stewardship, and service.  You are all saints called by God.  Your election before the foundation of the world is for service.  There is no retirement in the Living Church of Jesus Christ.  We serve in some way, and not the least is praying for your pastor and elders.  You have a gifted man coming your way just as Paul had sent Timothy.  Andy Van Arsdale wants to serve you to the glory of Jesus Christ.  He is a human being who will need your love, encouragement, and support.  He is not Jesus, but he will point you to Him.  Don’t criticize him; pray for him and respect him for the office he fills as your God-ordained teaching elder worthy of special honor. Paul had sent Timothy because he was not able to come to them.  I am no longer able to keep up the pace of driving from Lake Shastina, spending nights with family and friends in order to serve as I would love to do. I want to thank Jeanie and Stan and especially my brother Ron and Kathy for being a home away from home as I served in Redding. This all was a labor of love. 

Now is the time to remain steadfast in hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Covid19 is being used by spiritual forces to further dull our commitment to Christ. Stand firm in Christ. Put your hope in him as you have shown in the past.

The proof that you are “the real deal” is demonstrated in how you received the Word of God preached from your pulpit.  Hang on every Word of the gospel that your new young pastor preaches from the >Bible.  When he speaks, it is the Word of God that comes forth to you.  Stir yourself to grow in your hunger for the Word of God.  Don’t shut down the reach of God’s Word in your mind or heart. Quit looking at the clock and look to Jesus Christ; let the Holy Spirit make it live in you.  Don’t search for an easy little religious thought because if you do, all you will get is a little imitation of “jesus.” Lose yourself in worshipping Jesus as he leaps from the page as Andy preaches the Bible.  Let Jesus Christ walk among you and the Spirit will keep his light shining at First Presbyterian Church. What made the church in Thessalonica thrive?  Paul tells us:

because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.” (1 Thessalonians 1:5a, ESV)
Many of you know that God has touched you with His Word because it came with power.  The Holy Spirit took what I preached and blew through your heart and mind. Power was unleashed to mobilize you to gather in homes, at Bible Study Fellowship, in a women’s Bible study or with the men.  There are some who are yet to know the regenerating work of the Spirit.  You may have been going to church all your life, but God is far from you.  Call out to Him and He will hear you.  Christ will come in and live in you.  You will learn to love the Word of God and hunger for it as spiritual food without which you cannot live.   That is my prayer.  Knowledge of God, His Bible, and good theology can create a platform from which to be equipped to the real work of the Church.  If this dream is fulfilled, I know you will thrive together.  News will break out in the city and people will join you to find out who this God is.  Youth will become more than camp goers; they will become Christ followers and faithful members of the church. Adults will become more than religious consumers; they will be mentors of youth, young couples and witnesses to the gospel.  The elderly will be honored for their wisdom and relied upon for their prayers and example of courageous faith. People like Bud Hancock who model faith that acts will be encouraged and workers will flock to the labor of faith in touching the homeless with the gospel. Safe adults will be trained to love the children of the congregation, to walk alongside parents to raise children in the faith who know what it is to worship with us.  The outreach committee will equip us to share the good news in Redding and enlarge our commitment to bring the gospel to those without the gospel in their culture. All of this will come from listening to God speak in the proclamation of His Holy Scriptures in the power of the Holy Spirit.

That is what happened in Thessalonica.  Their faith was genuine and news of their changed lives made the message flourish so much so that Paul didn’t have to speak the gospel in areas where their witness was known.  May you be “the real deal”.  May your combined faith in God and His Word fill you with such power that Andy Van Arsdale’s ministry is made joyous and filled with grace.  None of this can be done merely by human strength, but with Christ’s Word, and His Spirit, the promise of His blessing is with you.   

This song is a bit different than you are used to, but is a faithful rendering of the great hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation,” by Indelible Grace, a group of young Presbyterian song writers.  I hope you soak up this truth and have communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we join together in Holy communion this coming Sunday, my last Sunday with you as your pastor:
The Church’s One Foundation https://youtu.be/j44-l71jTFI

Father, bless your people.  Lift up, your Son in our midst Sunday after Sunday as we faithfully gather to worship so that we go out to serve by the Spirit’s power.  Drive away our fears and anger over Covid19 so that we worship in Spirit and in truth. Make of us a people who are truly one in Christ so that the world sees the power of Christ to break down racial, economic, political, and social barriers as the gospel changes us. In Christ’s name. Jim


  1. Thank you Pastor Jim & Kerry for living the faithful life in Jesus. You are a blessing to us and will be sorely missed. We continue to keep you in our prayers.
