Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gone Fishin

I am looking forward to getting outside again and doing some fishing.
But I realize that everyday I have the opportunity to participate in what God has done for us all in Jesus. The initial explosion of life that rocked the world had its impact from Jerusalem to Rome in just a few short years. Today if you are a follower of Jesus then you can participate in an ongoing global revival. Don't dumb down the good news and don't be afraid because of the postmodern pressure to shut up and become part of the one world-wide religion.

Jesus isn't a religion he is God's Son and the great missionary of God's. He came from heaven to earth and became one of us. He died and rose. His love, which I don't deserve marks me. He knows me as I am and loves me. He put me in a family and in the Church. Now I bump into people sharing the joy of knowing that Christ goes before me. No one I meet is a stranger of enemy they are fellow travelers and people who God's Spirit is calling. Will you discover the joy of sharing Jesus with me? I am looking forward to this next week and the opportunity to share the greatest news in the world with people who will listen.
Gone Fishin,

1 comment:

  1. Take someone out to go fishing once in a while! Hey I will come when I can. JJH
